Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Kaikari Biryani Recipe (India Dish)


2 cups rice (chawal) (chawal) 2 onions ( pyaj) 1 tomatoes (tamatar) 1 carrot (gajar) 10 french beans (flas beans) 1/4 cup green peas (matar) (shelled)
2 potatoes
1 (medium sized) cauliflower (phool gobi)
1 capsicum (shimla mirch)
1 lemon
1/4 cup coriander leaves (dhania patta)
1/4 cup mint (pudina) leaves (pudina leaves)
4 green chillies
10-12 curry leaves (kari patta)
10 tblsp groundnut (moong fali) oil (tel)
salt (namak) to taste
for masala paste
1/4 cup coconut (narial) (scraped)
10-12 cloves garlic (lasan)
1 inch ginger (adrak)
4 red chillies whole
2 tblsp coriander seeds
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tblsp poppy seeds (khuskhus)
2 tblsp fennel (saunf) seeds (saunf)
garam masala powder
1/2 inch cinnamon (tuj/dalchini)
2 cloves (lavang)
2 green cardamoms
2 blades mace (javitri)
1 tsp peppercorns
1/4 tsp nutmeg (jaiphal) powder

How to make kaikari biryani:
  • Clean, wash and soak rice for about 30-45 minutes. Peel and chop the onions. Wash and chop the tomatoes.
  • Wash and dice all the vegetables into equal sized pieces. Squeeze lemon, strain and keep juice aside.
  • Heat 4 tablespoons oil and fry the masala ingredients till light brown. Cool and grind to a smooth paste with little water.
  • Dry roast the ingredients for the garam masala powder for 2-3 minutes and pound it into a coarse powder. Wash and chop the coriander leaves and mint leaves. Wash and slit the green chillies and keep aside.
  • Heat the remaining oil and fry the onions till golden brown. Wash and add the curry leaves, green chillies and masala paste. Fry till oil separates. Add the chopped tomatoes and cook on high heat till the moisture evaporates.
  • Add the vegetables and stir. Cook for a couple of minutes on high heat, drain the rice well and add the vegetable mixture. Add salt to taste.
  • Add double the quantity or enough hot water as per the quality of the rice.
  • Bring to boil and reduce to medium heat. Cover and cook, stirring once in a while till almost done.
  • Sprinkle the chopped mint and coriander leaves, garam masala powder, sprinkle the lemon juice, stir well, cover with a tight lid.
  • Keep on hot charcoal for about 10 minutes.
  • Open when ready to serve.

Achar Goasht Recipe (Ramzan Pakistani Dish)


  • Beef 1 kg
  • Yogurt 1/2 kg
  • Onion 1
  • Green chili 8 to 10
  • Red chili crushed 2 tbsp
  • Ginger chopped 1 tbsp
  • Aniseed 1 tsp
  • White cumin 1 tsp
  • nigella seeds 1/2 tsp
  • Mustard seeds 1/2 tsp
  • Fenugreek seeds 1/4 tsp
  • Red chili powder 1 tbsp
  • Dried mango powder 1 tbsp
  • Cumin powder 1 tsp
  • Salt as required
  • Oil 4 tbsp

Cooking Directions

  1. Take a bowl, add a little yogurt, red chili powder, dried mango powder, cumin powder and salt and mix it well.
  2. Cut green chilies from the center and fill paste in it. Keep it on a side.
  3. Now fry ginger, garlic and onion in oil for 2 to 3 minutes.
  4. Then add meat and cook it well.
  5. Add water in it and leave to tender.
  6. Mix yogurt, red chili, aniseed, white cumin, nigella seeds, mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds and salt in a bowl and add in meat. Cook it more.
  7. Now pour water as you required to make a thick gravy and place green chilies on meat and cover the pan for a while.
  8. Dish out and serve it.

Resep Mie Ramen

2 sdm minyak sayur
2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
1/2 cm jahe, cincang
50 g paprika hijau , iris memanjang
100 g daging sapi sukiyaki/daging has sapi, iris tipis
1 liter air
3 sdm kecap asin
1 sdm kecap manis
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
150 g mi telur kering
Cara membuat:
# Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang putih dan jahe hingga kuning dan harum.
# Masukkan paprika, aduk hingga layu.
# Tambahkan irisan daging, aduk hingga berubah warna dan kaku.
# Tuangi air, tambahkan bumbu. Aduk hingga mendidih.
# Masukkan mi kering, masak hingga mi lunak. Angkat.
# Sajikan panas

atau yg pake udang alias ramen bumbu szechuan :
150 gr udang, kupas, sisakan ekornya
½ sdt garam
3 sdm minyak untuk menumis
4 bh bawang merah, iris tipis
1 cm jahe, cincang halus
3 siung bawang putih, iris halus
2 bh tomat, seduh, buang kulit lalu cincang halus
1 sdm pasta tomat
¼ sdt cabai merah bubuk
¼ sdt gula pasir
¼ sdt garam
¼ sdt arak putih
1 sdm kecap asin
¼ sdt merica bubuk
150gr ramen hijau, rebus sampai matang
1 btg daun bawang, iris halus
Cara Membuat :
1. Lumuri udang dengan garam, diamkan selama 15 menit. Panaskan minyak, goreng udang hingga berubah warna, sisihkan.
2. Tumis bawang merah, jahe dan bawang putih sampai harum, tambahkan tomat, pasta tomat, cabai bubuk, garam, gula, arak, kecap asin dan merica bubuk, aduk rata.
3. Masukkan ramen dan udang, aduk hingga bumbu meresap.
4. Angkat lalu sajikan dengan taburan daun bawang.

untuk 3 orang.
.:: Ramen Kuah Cumi Gurih & Renyah ::.
* 300 g ramen basah/udon
* 4 iris kamaboko
* 1 batang daun bawang, iris serong tipis
* 150 g daun bayam/sawi, potong 3 cm, rebus sebentar, tiriskan
* 2 butir telur ayam, ceplok dalam air mendidih, tiriskan
* Cumi Renyah:
* 250 g cumi-cumi yang sudah bersih, potong-potong
* 100 g tepung tempura, larutkan dengan 150 ml air es
* minyak goreng
* Kuah, rebus jadi satu:
* 600 ml kaldu ayam
* 3 sdm kecap Jepang
* 1 sdt gula pasir
* 1/2 sdt merica bubuk
Cara membuat:
1. Celupkan potongan cumi dalam adonan tepung.
2. Goreng dalam minyak panas hingga kuning dan kering. Angkat dan tiriskan.
3. Taruh bahan-bahan dalam mangkuk saji.
4. Tambahkan cumi renyah dan tuangi kuah panas.
5. Sajikan segera.

Untuk 2 orang