Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

How to Learn the Urdu Alphabet

Urdu is a language widely spoken in southeast Asia, and is an official language of both Pakistan and India. It has an alphabet descended from Arabic and Turkish script, and is read from right to left. Though the Urdu alphabet may look difficult to learn at first, you can teach it to yourself in only a few weeks using free resources found online.


  1. Familiarize yourself with the shapes and sounds of the Urdu alphabet. Read through Hugo's Urdu Alphabet Pages and watch the Urdu Alphabet Jingle on YouTube.
  2. Print out the graphical chart on the Wikipedia page about the Urdu alphabet. It contains both the Urdu characters and their names in the Roman alphabet. Study the chart and hang it someplace where you'll see it often.
  3. Read the detailed notes about the Urdu alphabet on the Columbia.edu website. The articles there explain how to recognize and pronounce each character of the alphabet.
  4. Practice writing the characters of the alphabet, saying their names and sounds as you do so. This will greatly aid you in your memorization. You can use the free online tool U-TRANS to help you.
  5. Find some text written in Urdu and try to read it. Even if you do not understand the Urdu language, you can decipher the sound of each word by saying the sound made by the characters in it. This will be a slow process at first, but over time you will become more skilled at reading the Urdu alphabet.

Read more: How to Learn the Urdu Alphabet | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5242186_learn-urdu-alphabet.html#ixzz18vKb1mRx

How to Learn Urdu Writing

Studying with a partner can help you learn another language.

Studying Hard image by Monika 3 Steps Ahead from Fotolia.com
More than 104 million people speak Urdu as a primary and a secondary language in the world. It serves as the national language of Pakistan and numerous other other countries speak Urdu as well, including India, Nepal, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Germany, Fiji, Thailand and Norway. To learn Urdu writing, just knowing how to say and sound out Urdu words won't be enough. It takes extra time to study an alphabet that uses a completely different set of symbols than English.


  1. Utilize organized language learning materials to learn Urdu. Look for a class at a local college or university, purchase a how-to book or utilize online resources, that offer lessons in the language. Omniglot.com also offers a list of books that can help you learn the language.
  2. Practice reading and writing the Perso-Arabic alphabet. This alphabet has different symbols than the English alphabet. Work on reading and writing each symbol until you know them by heart.
  3. Read things in Urdu. Once you have a general grasp of the language, reading the language helps to cement it in your mind. Online resources that offer informative articles and stories written in Urdu can be found through the British Broadcast Corporation's website and the official website of the Government of Pakistan.
  4. Purchase an Urdu dictionary. This will help you learn the language just like the American dictionary helped you learn English. When you come across a word you don't know, look it up and try to use the word yourself in a different sentence. Online Urdu dictionaries are available through sites like UrduWord.com and Urduseek.com.
  5. Talk with someone who speaks Urdu. Talking with someone who already speaks the language can help you fine-tune your language skills, as well as your Urdu pronunciation.

Read more: How to Learn Urdu Writing | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_7153153_learn-urdu-writing.html#ixzz18vJi6RV5

How to Learn Urdu Script

Urdu is spoken widely in Pakistan and India, among other countries.
Urdu is spoken widely in Pakistan and India, among other countries.
pakistan flag button image by Andrey Zyk from Fotolia.com
Urdu is spoken as a first and second language by about 104 million people around the world, according to Omniglot.com. It is the national language of Pakistan, and many of its words are derived from Arabic, though it is also related to Hindi. Urdu's script is read from right to left, and it is uses a form of the Perso-Arabic script. Free online resources can help you learn the Urdu script so you can move on to building your knowledge of Urdu vocabulary and grammatical structure.
Difficulty: Moderately Challenging


  1. Copy an Urdu alphabet chart from the Internet. Columbia University's Professor Frances Pritchett has a web page for Urdu that has one such chart, and Omniglot.com offers a more detailed image on its Urdu page (see References and Resources). Copy this chart regularly onto your own paper by hand, remembering to work from right to left.
  2. Learn the names of the letters as you write them. Repeat the sounds they make after you say the name.
  3. Study the methods to connect the letters. Columbia University's Urdu page has a lesson on this. Hugo's Urdu Alphabet Pages website provides charts to show how to form letters by themselves, at the beginning, in the middle of and at the end of a word (see Resources). This will help you see the different forms letters can take in different parts of a word.
  4. Learn the diacritical marks used in Urdu. These will help you to read and pronounce Urdu correctly. A helpful tutorial is located on the Ukindia Urdu website (see Resources).
  5. Write words from Urdu texts. Some online Urdu news sites and other sources of online Urdu text are available on the Omniglot.com Urdu web page. Sound out the words as you write them.

Read more: How to Learn Urdu Script | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_7484363_learn-urdu-script.html#ixzz18vIuiHMw

How to Learn Urdu on the Internet

By Khalidah Tunkara, eHow Contributor

Urdu, which is spoken in several countries, including Pakistan, India and the U.S., originated as a dialect of Turkish phonetics. To learn Urdu online, all that is needed is a few minutes spent each day learning the language and a motivation to apply the language in everyday conversation with other Urdu speakers.
Difficulty: Moderate


  1. Visit an online Urdu tutorial site to start your lessons. There are a host of sites that specialize in teaching the language and won't charge any fees. One such site, word2word.com, offers a free course in Urdu as well as other language courses.
  2. Get a tape recorder to record yourself speaking. This will allow you to hear what you sound like to others and can be a great way to catch your language errors quickly. Most language sites offer a pronunciation tool so you can hear what a word or sentence should sound like. But nothing is better than hearing your own voice for corrections.
  3. Practice writing down all the alphabets of the Urdu language from right to left. Since Urdu's language structure is similar to Arabic's (it is written from right to left instead of left to right), it may be easy to learn if you are already familiar with Arabic or any other language that has the same structure.
  4. Practice speaking some of the letters with a mirror or with someone online, via a webcam, who speaks the Urdu language. This will allow you to see how your mouth should be formed while speaking and help you attain the correct voice and inflection for certain words.
  5. Keep a journal of Urdu letters and try to see how many words you can find when visiting cultural exhibits, grocery stores and other places where the language is spoken or on display. Be aware that Urdu has some words that may not be found in English. Therefore, it is important to avoid substitutions. Rehearse conversations with a native speaker.

How to Learn Urdu Online

Urdu is the national language of Pakistan, and there are over 100 million Urdu speakers worldwide. Much of the language is a combination of Persian and Arabic, including Urdu script, which has been around for centuries. If you desire to learn Urdu, you can find numerous online sites and downloadable software programs to help you master the language.
Difficulty: Moderate


  1. Become familiar with the Urdu alphabet. The Omniglot website has a printable sheet with the Urdu alphabet and numerals.
  2. Study common phrases and vocabulary. Download free online language software that translates from English to Urdu. The Byki website has dozens of packages available, including the free Urdu Lite application. Although you will have to purchase the full version in order to access the complete lesson plan, the Lite version has enough features to teach you some basic vocabulary and phrases commonly used in Urdu.
  3. Move on to more advanced Urdu language lessons. The website of Syracuse University posts free lessons for those interested in learning Hindi or Urdu. These lessons will extend your vocabulary as well as instruct on compound verbs, pronouns and other grammatical rules used in Urdu. In order to understand these lessons, you need to be familiar with the Urdu script.
  4. Take part in an online language exchange program. Some online sites offer a chance to learn and practice Urdu by using the language in everyday situations. For example, sign up on My Language Exchange to find an Urdu language partner. You will have the option to email, voice chat or text chat with your partner.

Read more: How to Learn Urdu Online | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5192277_learn-urdu-online.html#ixzz18vFvpE3T

How to Easily Learn Urdu

Urdu is mainly spoken in Pakistan.
Urdu is mainly spoken in Pakistan.
Pakistan Kohistan 07 image by Arnim Schulz from Fotolia.com
According to Learning Language Advisor, Urdu is a very close relative of the Hindi language, and they are both spoken by about 600 million people in South Asia today. Urdu is spoken mainly in Pakistan. Urdu is also distantly related to European languages, and some of its features, therefore, resemble those of European languages.

If you want to learn Urdu, you will need to spend many hours studying the language. However, you can learn Urdu by using engaging study methods and teaching tools. This will make the learning process more fun and less cumbersome than merely studying a book.
Difficulty: Moderately Challenging

Things You'll Need:

  • English-Urdu/Urdu-English dictionary
  • Urdu grammar book


  1. Learn Arabic alphabet and numbers. Urdu in written in the Arabic script, and it is read and written from right to left. The UK India website offers free beginning Urdu writing lessons online.
  2. Build your vocabulary in Urdu by learning common words and phrases. Utilize YouTube to help you learn Urdu. There are many instructional Urdu videos available. When you watch the videos, you will be able to hear the words being spoken. Also, you'll often see the words written in Urdu, and sometimes even the person speaking them. Search for "learn Urdu" on the YouTube website.

    Pause the videos occasionally and repeat the words you are learning. Rewind each video and play it back to hear words again.
  3. Listen to and read Urdu as much as possible. Read and listen to the news in Urdu daily online. For example, the BBC News website allows you to read the news in Urdu. Plan on spending time everyday reading and listening to the language.
  4. Join an online language exchange such as My Language Exchange to practice your speaking and writing skills in Urdu. You can chat via text and with audio to an Urdu speaker who wants to learn English. You can also exchange emails in Urdu. Ask your conversation partner to correct your grammar and to help you build your vocabulary when you talk together. Meet regularly so that you get plenty of practice producing the language.
  5. Hire a private Urdu tutor. Once you reach a plateau in learning Urdu, a private tutor will help you target specific areas of the language you need to improve with personalized lessons.

Read more: How to Easily Learn Urdu | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_6564695_easily-learn-urdu.html#ixzz18vF0Pl68

How to Learn Urdu for Kids

Urdu is spoken in Pakistan and India.
Urdu is spoken in Pakistan and India.
Pakistan Kohistan 04 image by Arnim Schulz from Fotolia.com
Around 150 million people around the world speak Urdu. The language, spoken mainly in Pakistan and India, is spoken as a first language by about 60 million people. (See Reference 1.) Resources are available for parents who wish their children to speak Urdu, even if they do not speak the language themselves. Encourage your children to pick up a new language by using a variety of learning material that will engage and interest them.


    • Purchase an Urdu DVD course for children. These interactive, creative lessons are designed for young learners. The My Desi Guru line of Urdu DVDs for children includes multiple lessons. Also watch free Urdu lessons for children on YouTube. Search for "Urdu for kids."
    • Hire an online Urdu tutor for your children. Basic computer knowledge is required to operate online tutoring software, but many tutoring companies have technical support available during lessons. Urdu Reading is one such online Urdu tutoring service, and it works with children. If you hire an individual online tutor from a site such as EduFire or ForteMall, be sure that the tutor is willing and able to work with children. (See Resources 1, 2, and 3.)

      Another option is to find an Urdu tutor in your community who is willing to come to your home or meet with your child in a public place.
    • Invest in an online teaching program that will teach your children Urdu. Students log in and complete material for a particular lesson in Urdu on Urdu at Home. This site also has Urdu learning materials such as flash cards and Urdu language learning CDs available for purchase. Download free Urdu worksheets as well from this site.
    • Seek out Urdu classes for children at your local Pakistani or Indian cultural center. These cultural community centers may hold classes for children.

Read more: How to Learn Urdu for Kids | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_6904797_learn-urdu-kids.html#ixzz18vEAsqWB

How to Eat Properly Before an Exam

Eat Properly Before an Exam
Eat Properly Before an Exam
How to Eat Properly Before an Exam
Preparing yourself physically and mentally for an exam is just as important as learning the material. You must make sure you eat properly before the test, so you can focus on answering questions correctly and not on your hunger pains or fatigue.


  1. Eat a well-balanced meal before the actual exam. If your exam is in the morning, give yourself time to eat breakfast. Include protein and fruit to provide energy.
  2. Fill yourself with protein-rich foods like eggs, nuts, yogurt and cottage cheese during breakfast and lunch on the day of the test. The benefits will last throughout the day.
  3. Keep each meal light, as heavy dishes will cause you to be drowsy. Skip dessert if you aren't hungry. The last thing you need is to fall asleep during a test.
  4. Skip the caffeine as a meal substitute. Avoiding caffeine all together (if you normally drink it) may cause headaches, but you shouldn't overdo it. Overdosing on coffee and energy drinks may cause you to become too jittery and then crash. Try green tea as a natural caffeine addition to your diet.
  5. Drink a protein shake, smoothie or other healthy energy drink if you are too nervous to eat. This gives you the energy you need to keep going until you can eat properly.
  6. Keep healthy snacks like protein bars and fruit in your bag to munch on between tests. Keep your energy up without resorting to sugary treats, which may cause quick bursts of energy leading to a crash.
  7. Take a multivitamin every day. Omega-3s and B vitamins increase brain functionality, but you also need a full range of nutrients to keep your body healthy.
  8. Moderate your drinking during exams. Excessive alcohol causes fatigue, headaches and general lack of focus. Try not to drink at all the night before a test.
  9. Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated before and during an exam. Dehydration may cause you to loose focus or feel sick during the test.

Read more: How to Eat Properly Before an Exam | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2189053_eat-properly-before-exam.html#ixzz18vCL4WOy

How to Make Punch From Blackberries

By Mandy Slake, eHow Contributor

Make healthy and delicious punch using fresh blackberries

Make healthy and delicious punch using fresh blackberries
blackberry image by dinostock from Fotolia.com

Blackberries can make a sweet and healthy punch drink, with one cup of blackberries being only 62 calories, according to the USDA. Blackberries also contain cancer fighting antioxidants. These summer fruits grow wild in many areas, but you can also grow your own or buy them at the grocery store or at fruit stands when they are in season. Blackberries can be used in desserts, but you can use them as a base for many drinks, including punch. While sugar contains 16 calories per teaspoon, the berries are naturally sweet, so it's not necessary to add a lot to sweeten the punch.

Things You'll Need:

  • Saucepan
  • Water
  • Spoon 
  • Mesh strainer
  • Cheesecloth
  • Punch bowl
  • Sugar 
  • Place the blackberries in saucepan with just enough water to make them float. Bring to a slow boil.
  • Mash berries with a spoon, then allow mixture to return to a boil. Remove from heat.
  • Line the strainer with cheesecloth, then pour the liquefied berries through the strainer while holding it over the punch bowl. The seeds will be left behind in the strainer.
  • Lift the cheesecloth by the corners, then twist and squeeze until the juice stops running out. Discard cheesecloth.
  • Dilute the juice with water, then add sugar to taste.

Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

How to Make a Breakfast Pizza With a Crust

Make a Breakfast Pizza With a Crust

Make a Breakfast Pizza With a Crust

Breakfast pizza is a morning-time twist on this favorite American food. While some breakfast pizzas are more like an omelet topped with pepperoni, this breakfast pizza recipe includes a crust, helping the breakfast pizza to seem more like a pizza and less like a typical egg breakfast.

Things You'll Need:

  • Bowl Oven Pizza Stone (at least 15") Parchment paper 1 package (24 oz.) frozen shredded hash browns, thawed and broken apart 9 eggs, divided 1/2 cup milk Microwave 1/2 cup chopped pig meat of choice (ham, bacon, or sausage) 1/2 cup sliced fresh mushrooms 1/4 cup chopped onion 1/4 cup d

    iced tomatoes 1 1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese   
    Prepare your cooking area. Cover your baking stone with parchment paper. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Make crust by beating one egg into a medium-sized bowl and adding it with the shredded potatoes. (You may optionally add salt and pepper to the crust mixture at this time.) Mix until the egg is evenly incorporated in the potatoes.
  3. Spread the potato mixture into a large pizza crust on the paper-covered baking stone, so that it extends a half-inch away from the edges on all sides. (For example, if you have a 15" round pan, make a 14" round crust.) Pat down the potatoes to roughly thumb-width thickness, so the crust will remain flat. Bake for 20 minutes.
  4. Drop eight eggs into the now-emptied bowl, and whisk them together with the milk. (Optionally, add salt and black pepper to taste.) Microwave this mixture for 6 minutes, stopping halfway through to stir it. Stir the mixture again when finished cooking, so it becomes sort of an eggy sludge. (Cooking in a pan will solidify the eggs too fast.) Spread the mixture evenly over the potato crust.
  5. Top the pizza with vegetables and your choice of meat. Sprinkle the cheese evenly over these toppings and put the pizza in the oven for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the cheese should be melty and the crust lightly brown. (If not, leave it in the oven until this is the case.) Once the pizza is done, remove it from the oven, slice into wedges, and serve.

Read more: How to Make a Breakfast Pizza With a Crust | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5147432_make-breakfast-pizza-crust.html#ixzz18q58lGcO

How to Make a Breakfast Pizza

Make a Breakfast Pizza
Make a Breakfast Pizza
How to Make a Breakfast Pizza
User-Submitted Article
Looking for a great twist on your weekend breakfast routine? Try this breakfast egg pizza, which is sure to garner rave reviews across any generation. Just one slice, served with a helping of fresh fruit makes a wonderfully tasty and filling Sunday breakfast. Read on to learn how to make it.

Things You'll Need:

  • 1 8-oz. can refrigerated dough
  • Cooking spray
  • 12 ounces breakfast sausage
  • 1 cup shredded hash browns (use frozen for speed)
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • salt & pepper (to taste)
  • 2 cups egg substitute or 6-8 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. grated fresh Parmesan cheese


  1. Preheat oven to 375 F.
  2. Roll out dough and press into a round crust about 12-inches round. Place on oiled (or sprayed) pizza pan and crimp the edges of the dough to form a rim. This will help to keep the liquid inside the crust while it sets during cooking.
  3. In a skillet, cook sausage over medium heat until browned. Use a fork to stir and crumble. Drain and blot with paper towels in order to get rid of excess oil.
  4. In a bowl combine milk, salt, pepper, and egg substitute, stirring with a whisk. For extra fluffy eggs, blend on high for 30 seconds.
  5. Top prepared dough with sausage, potatoes and cheese.
  6. Carefully pour milk mixture over sausage mixture. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and bake for 25 minutes or until eggs are set and crust is browned. Makes 8 servings.

Read more: How to Make a Breakfast Pizza | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2147622_breakfast-pizza.html#ixzz18q1jGnO0

How to Install a Car Amplifier

Things You'll Need:

  • Wire Cutters and Pliers
  • Car Manual
  • O-ring Ends
  • Car Audio Cables and Wires
  • Sandpaper
  • Utility Knife
  • Masking Tape and Pen
  • Wire Strippers
  • Female Spade Connectors
  • Screwdrivers
  • Car Audio Amplifier



  1. Choose where to put your new amp. If you are installing subwoofers it's usually best to put the amplifier in the trunk next to or attached to your subwoofer enclosure. If you are going to power your main car speakers with the amplifier then it may be better to put the amp under the passenger's seat.
  2. Purchase the following wiring for the amp: A thick power cable (the thickness required depends on the total wattage of your amp, ask a sales rep or consult your amplifier's manual for the proper gauge) that will have to reach from your battery to the amp (the power cable should also have an inline fuse to protect the amplifier); 3 feet of ground cable of equal thickness as the power cable; an RCA signal cable to carry the left and right signals from your head unit to the amp; a "remote on" wire which can be any thin wire (20 to 24 gauge) that will also run from the head unit to the amp; speaker wire (if you are powering subwoofers you should only need about 3 feet of 12-gauge wire per sub, if you're going to power your main speakers you will need enough 16-gauge wire to reach each speaker from the amp, 12 feet per speaker is usually safe).
  3. Gather the following tools: Screwdrivers, wire cutters, wire strippers, pliers, a utility knife, sandpaper, masking tape with a pen for labeling, 2 crimp-on o-ring ends for the power and ground cables. If you're hooking the amp to your speakers, you'll also need 2 crimp-on female spade connectors for each speaker.
  4. Find a manual with instructions on taking off the dash of your car (not the whole dash--just the head unit, in order to hook wires to the back), and also to get at your car's speakers if you are hooking the amp to them.
  5. The Installation  

    -Disconnect the ground (negative) cable from your battery. Never work on the electrical system of your car with this connected

    -Attach the side with the fuse of the thick positive (+/red) power cable to the connector on the positive terminal of your battery; the o-ring can be sandwiched in the bolt on the connector that connects your car to the battery. Now put the fuse in the fuse holder

    -Run the power cable through the firewall of your car (there is usually an opening on the driver's side) and to your amplifier. If your amp is in the back it is usually best to run this wire under the plastic molding that goes along the bottom edge of your car. Be careful where you run the wire because the power cables should never be near the signal or speaker wires.

    -Find a metal bolt or screw on the metal of your car near the amp to connect the ground cable to. This should be as close to the amp as possible, never more than 3 feet. Unscrew it and clean the metal surface with sandpaper. Attach the ground to it with the o-ring and screw it back down firmly.Remove your head unit and run the signal and remote on wires from behind the head unit to your amp. Connect the RCA connectors and the remote on wire to the back of your head unit.

    -(If you are installing subwoofers and not running your normal speakers off the amplifier skip to step 7.) Run the 16-gauge wire from each one of your speakers to the amplifier. On the amp side use the masking tape to label each wire so you know which speaker it is. On the speaker end-strip a 1/4 inch off the ends of the wires and crimp on the female spade connectors with your pliers. Connect the spade connectors to your speakers making sure to match the positive (+/red or white) with the positive terminal and the negative (-/black) with the negative one.

    -Connect everything to your amplifier. Only strip off as much as you need off the end of each wire to make a solid connection, you don't want any exposed wire hanging out. If you have subs, attach them to the amp with the 12-gauge speaker wire. 

    -Secure your amp to something. If it is in the back you can screw it directly to your subwoofer enclosure. If it is under a seat you may just want to get some straps that hold it down. 

    -Reconnect your car's negative cable to the battery. Test your system and make sure everything works, going around to see that every speaker is on before you put everything back together. Put everything back together.

Read more: How to Install a Car Amplifier | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_3680_install-car-amplifier.html#ixzz18px9cyK0

How to Transfer Music From Ipod to Itunes

You can add your music to another computer that contains itunes without losing all your songs.
Difficulty: Easy


Things You'll Need:

  • ipod
  • itunes
  • computer
  1. The first thing you want to do is connect your ipod to your computer via the white USB cable.

    WARNING: If itunes opens and asks you if you would like to sync up your ipod click NO!
  2. After your ipod is connected, open My Computer, or just Computer from the start menu and look for the ipod drive. It should be in the (F:) drive. You will see the ipod logo in the listing of disk drives.

  3. If you are using Windows vista: Open the ipod drive and click on ORGANIZE. Then folder and search options tab. Then View and Show hidden files and folders.

    If you are using Windows XP, open the ipod drive and click tools then Folder options then View tab then click show hidden files and folder. Finally click Apply.
  4. Now you should have a new folder called ipod_control. Open that folder up and you should see the following: Calendar, Contacts, ipod_control, notes, photos, ect. If you are trying to save all of your music then the ipod_control folder is the only one you need to worry about.
  5.   Open the ipod_control folder then open the music folder. Copy each one of those folders (should look similar to these: F00, F01 ...) onto your computer.

    You can do this by creating a new folder on your desktop and dragging the files into the folder.
  6. Open itunes and insert the new folder you created on your computer's desktop into: library ---> Music
  7. You can now sync your ipod to this new computer with out losing all of your music.

Read more: How to Transfer Music From Ipod to Itunes | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2187421_transfer-music-ipod-itunes.html#ixzz18ptwSR4A

Emotion by Destiny's Child


It's over and done

But the heartache lives on inside

And who's the one you're clinging to

Instead of me tonight ?


And Where are you now, now that I Need you?

Tears on my pillow wherever you go

I'ii Cry me a river that leads to your ocean


You never see me fall apart


In the words of a broken heart

It's just emotion taking me over

Caught up in sorrow

Lost in the song

F# Bbm

But if you don't come back

Come home to me, darling


Don't you know there's nobody loft in this world to hold me tight

Nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight

Goodnight, goodnight

I'm there at your side,

I'm part to all the things you are

But you've got a part of someone else

You've got to find your shining star

Destiny's child_Stand Up f0r Love Lyrics

There are times I find it hard to sleep at night
We are living through such troubled times
And every child that reaches out for someone to hold
For one moment they become my own
And how can I pretend that I don't know what's going on
When every second with every minute another soul is gone

And I believe that in my life I will see (ooh yeah)
An end to hopelessness or giving up of suffering
And we all stand together this one time
Then no one will get left behind
Stand up for life
Stand up for love

I'm inspired and hopeful each and every day
That's how I know that things are gonna change
So how can I pretend that I don't know what's going on
When every second with every minute another soul is gone

And I believe
That in my life I will see
An end to hopelesness of giving up of suffering
And we all stand together this one time
Then no one will get left behind
Stand up for life
Stand up for love

And it all starts right here
And it starts right now
One person stand up there
And the rest will follow
For all the forgotten
For all the unloved
I'm gonna sing this song

And I believe that in my life I will see
An end to hopelessness of giving up of suffering
If we all stand together this one time
Then no one will get left behind
Stand up for life
Stand up and sing
Stand up for love
For love, for love

Yo Te Amo lyrics by Chayanne

En palabras simples y comunes yo te extraño

En lenguaje terrenal mi vida eres tu

En total simplicidad seria yo te amo

Y en un trozo de poesia tu seras mi luz, mi bien

El espacio donde me alimento de tu piel que es bondad

La fuerza que me mueve dentro para recomenzar

y en tu cuerpo encontrar la paz
Si la vida me permite a lado tuyo

Creceran mis ilusiones no lo dudo

Si la vida la perdiera en un instante

Que me llene de ti para amar despues de amarte...vida
No tengas miedo ni dudas

(choro) este amor es demasiado bueno

Que tu seras mi mujer

(choro) yo te pertenezco todo entero

Mira mi pecho, lo dejo abierto

Para que vivas en el
Para tu tranquilidad me tienes en tus manos

Para mi debilidad la única eres tu

Al final tan solo se que siempre te he esperado

Y que llegas a mi vida

Y tu me das la luz del bien

Ese mundo donde tus palabras hacen su voluntad

La magia de este sentimiento que es tan fuerte y total

Y tus ojos que son mi paz
Si la vida me permite a lado tuyo

Creceran mis ilusiones no lo dudo

Si la vida la perdiera en un instante

Que me llene de ti para amar despues de amarte...vida
No tengas miedo ni dudas

(choro) este amor es demasiado bueno

Que tu seras mi mujer

(choro) yo te pertenezco todo entero

Mira mi pecho lo dejo abierto

Para que vivas en el }Bis

In engLish:
I I Love You

In simple and common words I miss you

In earthly language my life for you

Overall I love you, simplicity would

And in a piece of poetry you'll be my light, my love

The place where I eat your skin that is goodness

The force that moves me inside to restart

your body and find peace

If life allows me to your side

My dreams will grow no doubt

If life was lost in an instant

Let me fill you to love life after love ...

Do not fear or doubt

(Chorus) This love is too good

That you'll be my wife

(Chorus) I belong to you whole

Look at my chest, I leave it open

To live in

For your peace of me in your hands

For me the only weakness is you

At the end I only know that I have always expected

And you come into my life

And you give me the light of good

That world where your words will make their

The magic of this feeling is so strong and total

And your eyes are my peace

If life allows me to your side

My dreams will grow no doubt

If life was lost in an instant

Let me fill you to love life after love ...

Do not fear or doubt

(Chorus) This love is too good

That you'll be my wife

(Chorus) I belong to you whole

Look at my chest I leave it open

To live in Bis}

Azumanga Daioh [anime n manga]

Judul Asli: Azumanga Daioh あずまんが大王
Author: Kiyohiko Azuma
Genre: Comedy, High School, Slice of Life
Publisher: MediaWork
Magazine: Dengeki Daioh
Original Run: Februari 1999 - Juni 2002
Manga vol: 4 [complete]
Anime episode: 26 [complete]
Penerbit Indonesia: ElexMedia

Komik tentang kehidupan sehari-hari 6 siswi SMU di Tokyo yang berbeda karakter bersama walikelas mereka yang kekanakan. Chiyo, Sakaki, Osaka, Yomo, Tomo selama tiga tahun di SMU sekelas terus dengan walikelas yang sama, Yukari sensei. Pas kelas 2 baru gabung Kagura, ikut 'meramaikan' suasana di kelas itu.
Ceritanya gak jauh dari kehidupan seputar sekolah, ada pestipal olahraga, pestipal kebudayaan, liburan musim panas, pe-er, dan kehidupan setelah sekolah. Karna perbedaan karakter dari setiap pemainnya makanya sering timbul kejadian-kejadian lucu.
Judul "Azumanga" adalah gabungan dari nama Azuma [nama pengarangnya] dengan kata manga [komik]. Sedangkaan "Daioh" diambil dari nama majalah yang menerbitkan komik ini.

Yang unik dari Azumanga Daioh ini adalah komiknya yang berbentuk empat panel. Biasanya setiap halaman terdiri dari dua cerita dengan dua judul berbeda. Tapi isinya masih nyambung dengan cerita sebelumnya.
Komik yang cocok untuk refreshing, ceritanya ringan.


Chiyo Mihama [chiyo-chan]
Anak kecil yang jenius, makanya dia udah masuk SMU diusianya yang ke 11 tahun. Tapi kelakuannya tetep aja masih kayak anak kecil n polos, makanya orang menyukainya dan menganggapnya imut. Meskipun kadang-kadang temen-temennya iri juga soalnya Chiyo itu udah jenius, imut, tajir lagi!!

Tomo Takino
Gadis yang sangat aktip dan senang persaingan. Gak mau kalah dari Chiyo n Sakaki padahal udah jelas-jelas dia kalah. Yang paling dodol diantara teman-temannya, paling iseng, jail. Chiyo yang paling sering jadi korban, kayakna demen banget dech liat Chiyo 'menderita'. Kalo tekadnya dah kuat, kadang-kadang dia tak terduga. Tapi menurut veg, dia yang paling kocak

Koyomi Mizuhara [Yomi]
Temenan ma Tomo dah lama, tapi kerjanya berantem mulu ma Tomo. Lagi berusaha buat menguruskan badan, bete kalo ada orang laen yang makan mulu tapi gak gemuk-gemuk. Diantara yang berenam itu, kayakna Yomi yang paling serius n rada tenang [kadang-kadang].

Badannya tinggi gede, cantik, jago olahraga, makanya orang pada ngira dia tipe ce 'cool'. Padahal sebenernya diem-diem dia pecinta binatang n demen banget ma kucing. tapi entah mengapa kok kucing-kucing itu malah pada musuhin dia, suka ngegigit kalo mo dielus ma Sakaki. Sakaki juga demen ngasi nama ke boneka.

Ayumu Kasuga [Osaka]
Murid pindahan dari Osaka, makanya dia dipanggil Osaka [fyi, Tomo yang duluan ngasi dia nama Osaka, padahal sendirinya juga orang Osaka]. Osaka ini anaknya suka gugup, lamban, demen ngelamun, suka tidur di kelas. kadang-kadang dia suka mikirin yang nggak-nggak soal hal-hal yang ada di sekelilingnya. Osaka ini yang paling 'akur' ma Chiyo

Baru gabung ke kelasnya Chiyo cs pas kelas 2. Dia jago olahraga, bisa dibilang selepel ma Sakaki, makanya dia pengen banget ngalahin Sakaki. Kagura termasuk salah satu 'pasanga berantem'-nya Tomo, sama-sama 'baka' nich

Yukari Tanizaki
Biasa dipanggil Yukari sensei. Guru bahasa Inggris sekaligus wali kelas mereka. Cara ngajarnya rada aneh, n dia juga kekanakan banget. Rada mirip Tomo, orangnya gak mau kalah banget, nyetir mobilnya payah sampe-sampe bikin Chiyo trauma.

Minamo Kurosawa
Biasa dipanggil Nyamo [Yukari sensei yang ngajarin]. Dia guru olahraga, wali kelas di kelas sebelah, sekaligus temen deketnya Yukari sensei. Nyamo guru yang ngetop diantara murid-murid. Sebenernya dia itu kalem, tapi kadang-kadang lepas kendali juga kalo udah 'dikomporin' ma Yukari.

ada salah satu ost anime-nya yang lucu banget, judulnya Tsukurimasho!
lagunya bisa didenger di blog veg yang satunya lagi --> www.bloggaul.com/vega_enz

ini liriknya

Tsukurimashou, tsukurimashou,
Sate sate nani ga dekiru ka na.
Hai, dekimashita.

Nemurimashou, nemurimashou,
Sate sate dare ga ichiban ka na.
Hai, Oosaka-san desu ne.

Hashirimashou, hashirimashou,
Sate sate dare ga ichiban ka na.
Hai, yappari Sakaki-san!

Sawagimashou, sawagimashou,
Sate sate dare ga urusai ka na?
Tomo-chan desu ne.
To mottara, Yukari-sensei desu!

Oyogimashou, oyogimashou,
Sate sate dare ga ichiban ka na.
Hai, yappari, Kagura-san desu ne!

Kore de oshimai!

Oi! Chiyosuke!
Watashi ga detenai zo, watashi ga!

Nanda yo-! Yomi ni torie nanka anno ka yo-!

Aaa, kenka wa yamete kudasai--

Eeto, eeto, eeto,

Yasemashou, yasemashou,
Sate sate chanto, dekita ka na.

Ma-ta shippai de-su!
Kono yaro- iwasete okeba--!

Utaimashou, utaimashou,
Minna de utaeba, tanoshii na. Ehe!

Chiyo-cha-n, atashi ni mo utawasete.
Oi? mochiron ii desu yo!

Hona, ikudee.

Tsukurimashou, tsukurimashou,
Sate sate nani ga dekiru ka na.
A......kore wa......
Taberareru you na, taberarehen you na......
Kore wa na, chaunen.

......Osaka-san. Watashi tabete mimashou ka......?


Sung by: Tomoko Kaneda, Rie Tanaka, Chieko Higuchi, and Yuki Matsuoka (Chiyo-chan, Yomi, Tomo and Osaka)