Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

How to Eat Properly Before an Exam

Eat Properly Before an Exam
Eat Properly Before an Exam
How to Eat Properly Before an Exam
Preparing yourself physically and mentally for an exam is just as important as learning the material. You must make sure you eat properly before the test, so you can focus on answering questions correctly and not on your hunger pains or fatigue.


  1. Eat a well-balanced meal before the actual exam. If your exam is in the morning, give yourself time to eat breakfast. Include protein and fruit to provide energy.
  2. Fill yourself with protein-rich foods like eggs, nuts, yogurt and cottage cheese during breakfast and lunch on the day of the test. The benefits will last throughout the day.
  3. Keep each meal light, as heavy dishes will cause you to be drowsy. Skip dessert if you aren't hungry. The last thing you need is to fall asleep during a test.
  4. Skip the caffeine as a meal substitute. Avoiding caffeine all together (if you normally drink it) may cause headaches, but you shouldn't overdo it. Overdosing on coffee and energy drinks may cause you to become too jittery and then crash. Try green tea as a natural caffeine addition to your diet.
  5. Drink a protein shake, smoothie or other healthy energy drink if you are too nervous to eat. This gives you the energy you need to keep going until you can eat properly.
  6. Keep healthy snacks like protein bars and fruit in your bag to munch on between tests. Keep your energy up without resorting to sugary treats, which may cause quick bursts of energy leading to a crash.
  7. Take a multivitamin every day. Omega-3s and B vitamins increase brain functionality, but you also need a full range of nutrients to keep your body healthy.
  8. Moderate your drinking during exams. Excessive alcohol causes fatigue, headaches and general lack of focus. Try not to drink at all the night before a test.
  9. Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated before and during an exam. Dehydration may cause you to loose focus or feel sick during the test.

Read more: How to Eat Properly Before an Exam | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2189053_eat-properly-before-exam.html#ixzz18vCL4WOy

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